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Who we are and the history of our family

The Counts of San Bonifacio and a Thousand Years of History in Wine Making

Wine and war intertwine over the generations of this illustrious family.
One of the oldest parchments in the family archive in Padua show that in 929 AD
in Verona Conte Milone San Bonifacio, gifted the benedictine monks both
the Church of Santa Maria in Ronco and a “maso” or farm – in Callecava (near Vicenza) with arable land and vines.

The first generation of wine growers

But Count Manfredo and his wife Countess Sarah are the first generation to bottle first growth wines after a thousand years of producing wines from their estates and properties across Italy for their customers, family, guests and workers.

A Shakespearean inspiration

The Shakespearean tragedy of Romeo and Juliet finds its origins in the history books and archives written about the Counts of San Bonifacio by Rolandino a 13th century historian.

The Montecchi vs Azzi Marquis of Este

The Montagues in fact represented a political faction known actually as the Montecchi, who had rebelled against Azzi Marquis of Este.

Azzi's alliance with Counts of San Bonifacio

Azzi forged an alliance with the Counts of San Bonifacio and they were known as the Cappeletti for the small caps they wore. Tiserio killed Count Sauro San Bonifacio of the Montecchi faction, after that he escaped to the Orient leaving his brothers to make peace with the powerful and dangerous Counts of Verona.

Counts of Verona became Counts of San Bonifacio

And so it was, Shakespeare made a beautiful tragedy of how the Counts of Verona lost their beautiful city on the death of Sauro and became known as the Counts of san Bonifacio in the year circa 1207.


Nowadays the family reside in an estate in Padua in the north east of Italy and from here they run the estates around Italy.

Family Conti di San Bonifacio